Monday, February 21, 2011

Note written by a dear friend of mine

"I've contemplated for awhile about writing this note. It's kind of my story. It's a story I don't share but I see some situations and my heart breaks for people, esp young people who seem to be in abusive relationships. I fear that some people may say well because he hasn't hit me it's not abuse. Verbal, emotional, mental abuse are real too.
I have been called names, told I'm not good enough, been threatened if I leave, been slapped ( only once), bitten, screamed at, cheated on, held down, had my weight criticized, my spirituality attacked, followed around town to keep tabs on me. I can only think of one guy who didn't tear me down in some ways. I'm now a 32 year old where relationships are still full of lies, infidelity, walking on eggshells,and in one a fear, every time I left my house for weeks after I looked over my shoulder. How did I get into this? I had the best family in the world, a great relationship with my dad. But that one relationship at 15-16 set the tone for how I would see myself 16 years later. I believed what these guys said. I had a vicious cycle of under eating and over-exercise, diet pills so I would worthy of love.
I forgot one thing, I was fearfully and wonderfully made. I am worthy regardless of past mistakes that I helped create. Everything has happened to me for a reason, that reason is to help those who may be in the same situation. Girls you are worthy. Please don't ever let someone tell you that you aren't pretty enough, smart enough, good enough. That is a lie from the pit of hell. To God you will always be enough. When you think of yourself, just remember that creation was complete when woman was formed. That's how much we matter. God formed us and whether we are tall, short, skinny, not as skinny as we want, curly hair, glasses, whatever, he looks at us with a love that we will never understand.
Sometimes it's so hard to be alone. That has been a reason why I had gotten myself into unhealthy relationships. I am hear to tell you though. Take the time to be alone. Take time to find out how much God loves us and doesn't want us to live defeated. That way you'll be grounded in the truth.
To the guys watch the words you say and the actions you display. You may do more damage than you think. Uplift her, encourage her, be faithful to her, love her regardless."

I felt the need to post this because I know several women in situations like this, and I wanted them to hear these words as well. - Jennifer

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